Publications (Selection as of July 2023)
Specialized Publications:
- Smart Law, Wolters Kluwer (since 2014)
Monographs (Solo Author):
- Compliance and Labor Law, 2nd Edition 2023, C. H. Beck Verlag
- Performance-Oriented Remuneration, 2nd Edition 2008, Erich Schmidt Verlag
- Conversions in Labor Law (Dissertation), 1994, C. F. Müller Verlag
Monographs (Co-Author):
- German Law Accessible, 4th Edition 2016, C. H. Beck Verlag
- USA Master Programsfor Lawyers, 4th Edition 2011, DAJV Verlag
Handbooks (Co-Author):
- Design of Employment Contracts, 5th Edition 2023, Nomos Verlag
- Keyword Commentary on Employment and Labor Law, 5th Edition 2023, Nomos Verlag
- The Employment and Labor Law of Restructuring, 2nd Edition 2021, Dr. Otto Schmidt
- Corporate Compliance, 3rd Edition 2016, C. H. Beck Verlag
- The Compliance Officer, 1st Edition 2015, C. H. Beck Verlag
- Collective Bargaining Law, 1st Edition 2011, C. H. Beck Verlag
Commentaries (Co-Author):
- Employee-Leasing /Temporary Employment Act, 4th Edition 2018, C. H. Beck Verlag
- Minimum Wage Act and Employee Secondment Act, 2nd Edition 2016, C. H. Beck Verlag
- Part-Time and Fixed-Term Employment Act, 3rd Edition 2012, Recht und Wirtschaft Verlag.
Media / Guest Editorials
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) and Sonntagszeitung (FAS) since 2011
I am a guest author for the guest editorial “Mein Urteil” (“My Judgement”) in the “Karriere” (“Career”) section of FAZ and FAS. Recently, the following editorials written by me have been published:
- Is there absolute pay equality for women and men?
- How can I claim compensation for being underpaid?
- Can I be transferred abroad against my will?
- How to ensure non-discriminatory wages?
- Do forgers of medical certificates face dismissal?
- When do I have to disclose job offers?
- Are my data freely transferable to the United States?
- Is the employer liable for incorrect information?
- When am I entitled to overtime pay?
- Can I lose my allowance due to a transfer?
- Must the employer pay a fine for late salary payments?
- Is changing clothes time considered as working time?
- When do I have the right to special leave?
- Can I secretly record conversations with my boss on my phone?
- Will I get my job back?
- Are excessively long notice periods permissible for employees?
- Can the works council demand LED screens?
- Which notice period applies during the probationary period?
- Is disloyalty a reason for immediate termination?
- Incorrect information on a Xing profile – grounds for termination?
- What rights do employees have when payments are delayed?
- Can the works council have a say in a company’s Facebook presence?
- Can there be a dismissal for drug use during leisure time?
- Can my lawyer access my personnel file?
- Who determines my bonus if there are no clear guidelines?
- Can companies resort to temporary employment for bogus self-employed individuals?
- Must I forfeit minimum vacation entitlement upon termination?
- Return after extended illness – can the works council have a say?
- Can I be compelled to relocate abroad?
- Can I be dismissed for being too old?
- Is poaching employees permissible?
- Can I be dismissed for theft?
- Does the employer have to provide for family members?
- Can the boss dictate my work breaks?
- Is a high hourly wage better than a high monthly wage?
- Can my boss revoke my home office privilege?
- Can the employer advertise with pictures of employees?
- Will I receive salary if I am suspended?
- Can older employees be granted more vacation than younger colleagues?
- Is it allowed to be unfriendly at the workplace?
- Do termination notice periods discriminate against younger employees?
- How do I prevent my remaining vacation days from expiring?
- Can employees be treated differently than workers?
- Complicated retirement provisions – must the employer assist me?
- Can I be dismissed simply on suspicion of committing a crime?
- Does travel time count as working hours?
- What role do temporary workers play in works council elections?
- Do I have to disclose personal data for official purposes?
- My labor union is gone – what now?
- Does the collective bargaining agreement apply to me if I am not a union member?
- Is it better to earn more or work less?
- How long must I work if nothing is specified?
- Can the works council inspect personnel files?
- Can the employer delete private emails after termination?
- Can I run personal errands during working hours?
- Can the employer force me to relocate?
- After termination: When do I have to return the company car?
- Can we read the emails of our sick colleague?
- More vacation for older employees?
- Is a voluntary gender quota discriminatory?
- What happens to employees when a part of the company is sold?
- Can the boss distribute work among fewer employees?
- Do employees have to report excessive salaries?
- Back accusations with facts
- Can the employer recall employees from vacation?
- Who has to accept wage cuts?
- Can the boss monitor employees’ private internet usage?
- Annual talks with pitfalls
- Options in codes of ethics
- Monitoring of work-related conversations is posible.
Der Tagesspiegel
From 2002 to 2020
I was a guest author for the editorial “Karrierefrage” (“Career Question”) in the daily newspaper “Der Tagesspiegel” as long as this editorial was published (until the relaunch in December 2022). Over the course of two decades, several hundred columns written by me have been published.