Publications (Selection as of July 2023)

Specialized Publications:

  • Smart Law, Wolters Kluwer (since 2014)

Monographs (Solo Author):

  • Compliance and Labor Law, 2nd Edition 2023, C. H. Beck Verlag
  • Performance-Oriented Remuneration, 2nd Edition 2008, Erich Schmidt Verlag
  • Conversions in Labor Law (Dissertation), 1994, C. F. Müller Verlag

Monographs (Co-Author):

  • German Law Accessible, 4th Edition 2016, C. H. Beck Verlag
  • USA Master Programsfor Lawyers, 4th Edition 2011, DAJV Verlag

Handbooks (Co-Author):

  • Design of Employment Contracts, 5th Edition 2023, Nomos Verlag
  • Keyword Commentary on Employment and Labor Law, 5th Edition 2023, Nomos Verlag
  • The Employment and Labor Law of Restructuring, 2nd Edition 2021, Dr. Otto Schmidt
  • Corporate Compliance, 3rd Edition 2016, C. H. Beck Verlag
  • The Compliance Officer, 1st Edition 2015, C. H. Beck Verlag
  • Collective Bargaining Law, 1st Edition 2011, C. H. Beck Verlag

Commentaries (Co-Author):

  • Employee-Leasing /Temporary Employment Act, 4th Edition 2018, C. H. Beck Verlag
  • Minimum Wage Act and Employee Secondment Act, 2nd Edition 2016, C. H. Beck Verlag
  • Part-Time and Fixed-Term Employment Act, 3rd Edition 2012, Recht und Wirtschaft Verlag.

Media / Guest Editorials

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) and Sonntagszeitung (FAS) since 2011

I am a guest author for the guest editorial “Mein Urteil” (“My Judgement”) in the “Karriere” (“Career”) section of FAZ and FAS. Recently, the following editorials written by me have been published:

Der Tagesspiegel
From 2002 to 2020

I was a guest author for the editorial “Karrierefrage” (“Career Question”) in the daily newspaper “Der Tagesspiegel” as long as this editorial was published (until the relaunch in December 2022). Over the course of two decades, several hundred columns written by me have been published.